Life by Sponsor
This is another ad that really inspire me. The product is Life by Sponsor from Thailand, it is a soft drink that contains vitamins of B3, B6 and B12. The ad focusing on employees who working in office and asking them that "Have you lived your life in the way that you wanted?" on the ad they wanted to say as live the worth of your life. You are born once and just do everything that you want to do and make the living to worth of your life.
The art direction in the video is very inspiring and a very friendly mood. I think the actor on the ad itself making you feel very comfortable and making me feel I should start to do whatever I want to do or things I've never done it before. Moreover, the mood of the video making you feel that you can achieve the same goal as he did. It may not be that extreme but as their own goal. Even myself, I got motivated to do something that I have not done before or things I should be start doing to have some achievements in my life.